OFSTED Report 2023

Some excerpts from our latest inspection:-

Pupils are safe and happy. They like coming to school. They say it is very easy to make friends. Pupils know that staff will help them if they have any problems or concerns. Pupils are supported by staff who know them well and are vigilant to their individual needs.

Pupils enjoy the broad range trips and visits they go on. Many experience highly successful residential trips that they have never felt confident to attend previously. An increasing number of pupils are taking on responsibilities in the day-to-day running of the school, such as in the school council.

Staff are very well trained in the school’s approach to supporting pupils’ behaviour. Most pupils are kind to each other and learn strategies to manage their emotions and behaviour.

The school’s life-skills curriculum and programmes ensure that there are tailored opportunities to help pupils to prepare for adulthood. Over time, pupils successfully make friends, take part on a range of residential trips, and gain work experience in line with their interests and aspirations. Pupils access careers education. They go on to appropriate education, training, or employment when they leave. Pupils are very confident about how staff help them to become young adults.

Read the full report by clicking here.

Self Evaluation 2022-23