Celebrating Success……

The Charles Culwick Helpfulness Trophy

This week the Helpfulness Trophy was won by Owen (8C).  Owen won for drawing a huge chalk circle in the playground in preparation for a maths lesson.

Well done Owen and thank you for your help.

Winners of the Jack Petchey Award for the spring term are:

Arabella works hard in all of her lessons and always has a smile on her face. Her positive attitude helps her to overcome all challenges that come her way and her determination to succeed is amazing.

Beau works extremely hard in all of her lessons, giving 100% to her work and is a fantastic role model for her peers.

Congratulations Arabella and Beau!

The Betty Whittingham Trophy

The winner of the Betty Whittingham Trophy for the Spring term was Millie (Diamond Class).  Millie won for her kindness, friendship and sense of community.  She has made huge improvements in her social awareness, listening skills and independence.

Well done Millie

The Gardening Trophy

This week the Gardening Trophy was won by Jake.  Jake won for working really well in every horticultural lesson.

Well done Jake!  Keep up the good work.

The Debbie Brathwaite Trophy

The Debbie Braithwaite Trophy for the spring term was won by Nathan (9F).  Nathan won for making a great improvement in his independence and self-esteem. 

Well done Nathan!