
At Cedar Hall School the teaching and support staff, together with the Governors, are committed to ensuring that all pupils make the most of the educational opportunities at this school. A good education helps to give pupils the best possible start in life.  Regular school attendance and punctuality is important for all pupils, whatever their age, and is essential for every pupil’s academic, social and personal development. 

The aim of the school is that all pupils achieve the highest possible attendance for them. We will provide teaching and learning environments that are welcoming, safe and stimulating; where pupils are respected and valued as individuals, encouraged to attend and therefore able to succeed. We are committed to working with parents to achieve this by seeking to overcome any issues or problems that are causing unacceptable levels of absence. 

If your child is absent from school due to illness or an appointment, it is important that you let us know on the first day of absence. Cedar Hall has a secure system for reporting your child’s absence.  The Studybugs app is free to download or you can register on the Studybugs website . If you prefer there is also an automated absence line that can be reached by telephoning the school on 01268 77472 after 8.30am.

The Government recommends that family holidays are not to be taken in term time and therefore the Headteacher is unable to authorise any holidays during the school year. A penalty notice of £60 (if paid within 21 days or £120 thereafter) may be issued if unauthorised holidays are taken in term time. Penalty notices are issued by the Local Authority and not by the school. Penalty notices are requested on a case by case basis.   If no evidence is forthcoming the absence will be unauthorised. A notification of absence will be sent home at the beginning of the week after the absence.

We recognise that a parent taking a pupil on holiday during term time may be the only option to take account of the pupil’s needs.  Each request is assessed on a case by case basis and may be granted in exceptional circumstances. Please complete the pupil leave of absence form and return to the school office for review.